"Making Cancun Great Again"
That Trump?
No, NO - that isn't the Trump I'm referring to at all.
The title refers to the deck, not the Donald - although there is no question that, politically, I could cause an uproar if I finished my campaign off with Trump quotes.
Let's be clear that I'm not Donald Trump.
I don't have power, money or um - a JOB at the moment.
None of the above.
I'm not even sure I have a suit in my closet anymore.
I'm definitely no Trump.
All Trump references in this post therefore do not refer to the Trump card in the sense that he "won" the election, but rather the Trump "card" of winning a Euchre game.
Are we clear?
Just making sure.
Wow, so this past few weeks been a ride, hasn't it?
I don't even know what to call this amazing following at the moment but it's absolutely brilliant.
Lady Gaga calls her fans her "Little Monsters" but somehow I can't see calling anyone I know my "Little Monsters". Someone is bound to tell me I've lost my marbles if I tried that.
My little tarts?
You know - like Sara Lee, the cake lady.
"How are you all, my little tarts?"
No, you don't like that?
(Even I am laughing out loud right now)
Okay, maybe a name is a little unnecessary.
Moving on.
I have a confession to make.
I had to sit in my time-out chair this afternoon.
I did.
I had to sit, with my phone in another room, completely in silence, "unplugged" for well over a couple of hours - and just think about this campaign and what was nagging at me that I felt I needed to pause.
Everyone is voting.
Lots of people are voting.
I mean, how amazing is that???!
I'm incredibly fortunate to have support from so many avenues in my life.
Friends, family, teachers, colleagues, "friends and family" of friends that I haven't even met.
It is totally wild.
I have had Facebook messages, personal messages, texts, calls and emails - all with encouraging words or suggestions on upp'ing my game, ideas for videos, recommendations for My Story, adding things to You Tube - the list goes on and on and I'm grateful for every one of them. (So please don't stop!)
The campaign bus is jammed with supporters and rolling along quite nicely.
What I've stopped doing though, in the heat of this campaign, is listening to my own voice, guidance and intuition, of what step to take next.
Today I woke up feeling a little strained. I felt like I was forcing what wasn't natural to me and as cliche as the word "authentic" is, I felt my "authenticity" starting to slip. I was so overactive on Facebook, it felt exhausting and out of character, (even for me), and my last LinkedIN post was weak, at best. I wanted to commit to my timeframe so I put out something that wasn't necessarily my most thought through.
I was feeling self-induced pressure to act instantly on every suggestion that's come my way and I was overwhelmed and losing my own creativity and genuine nature in the process.
So this afternoon I took a time-out.
I sat quietly and thought through all the feedback I've received over the past week.
I mentally thanked each person for caring enough to come forward and share their thoughts.
Then I wrote down every suggestion in a notebook that I keep by my desk - that I will to refer to, if and when I need it.
I have been going every day at this, more hours than you could imagine, and I just needed to check in and make sure I was on track.
Some ideas that have been sent to me might lead me to brainstorm a new course of action that without those particular recommendations, I never would've come up with on my own.
Maybe I stash a card or two for later in the game, when I need to shift gears and change tactics, and the timing feels right.
Every idea is valued and I will tuck them away and act or use them when I'm ready.
What came to me today with staggering clarity is that I'm not "competing to win".
Yes, you heard me correctly.
This opportunity isn't about competing to me.
It's not about putting on my "do whatever it takes to win" attitude (although we all know I have that).
This isn't about "winning" a contest.
This is about "aligning" myself to my dream job - "where I will use my gifts and talents to the best of my ability and thoroughly enjoy going to work everyday" and that means operating in a way that feels true to me.
I think this attitude will help me if I'm fortunate enough to make it through. This changes the outcome from being a cut-throat game of Survivor, outsmarting and outwitting the other contestants, to being compassionate and understanding that Cancun.com (and all candidates) are looking for the right combination to succeed.
I'm not looking to "win".
I feel I have a lot to offer and I'm hopeful I align.
I want to remain completely grounded that this may or may not happen.
I am just going to be completely myself and have no regrets on taking this chance or how I handle myself along the way.
There is a long way to go if I make it to the Top 100.
There is another video, another round of voting, a cut to the Top 50, more voting - and then the Lucky 5 go to Cancun for a week long interview event. There is endurance to this election and I will adopt new strategies along the way and pull from some of the great ideas that I've received.
Over the past couple of weeks, I've chosen not to watch any of the other candidate videos. I haven't looked at their social media profiles or "creeped" any of their activity to see what they are doing. I want to focus all my energy positively on my own campaign and not risk copying how others are soliciting votes or presenting themselves.
At the end of the day, if this is a match and I'm selected, I won't have the influence of the other candidates in how I work daily, so I want this to be a fair representation of what I have to offer. I have to trust that if what I'm posting and how I'm positioning my own efforts is what they are looking for, then Cancun.com will find me in the sea of applicants.
I would like to think that enough of my "voice" shows through my blog posts and social media, as is, that they can determine if they want to dig a little bit deeper in the next round.
Writing, photography and social media are important competencies to the foundation of this role.
Those are, in essence, the Queen, King and Ace in my hand.
But the Jack of Spades?
The Trump Card?
I once had someone I worked for tell me my Trump card was my personality.
My "real, in person" personality.
That, which shines brighter than the bits the peek through social media and my writing, coupled with my buzzing energy that unintentionally fills a room.
I'm going to hold onto the Jack of Spades for a little bit longer.
I'm hoping to play the Trump card when it counts.
Keep voting every day and if I'm real lucky, I'm hoping to play my hand in Cancun.
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