"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go....
Take a look at the five and ten, it's glistening once again
With candy canes and silver lanes that glow".
- It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas, Michael Bublé
(I feel like this is a big win I found an accent aigu for Michael Bublé's name)
Why is it that I can spend $28 on a glass of wine, but to choose between a rose gold or silver metallic fringe party curtain at the Dollar Store seems nearly impossible. It took a painstaking 10 minutes of agonizing thought over each one worth $2.25 each, until I finally bought both. Because you must have a party fringe curtain at a New Year's Eve party, don't you think? I'm sure it is going to serve a very special purpose, and I don't know which one I will like better until the tables are set.
10 minutes. $4.50.
(My Mom said recently that she's concerned "I'm getting a little obsessive over the New Year's Eve planning". I don't understand why on earth she would say that. I'm just fine.)
I also learned recently that there is a small challenge with our party room lighting; specifically, that's it's either ON or OFF. But that's okay, because anything can be fixed with mini lights and batteries. While I was at it at the Dollar Store, I bought glitter pebble stones to put in the bottom of the vases full of twinkle lights that I envision will turn the ambiance into a dreamy Cinderella's ball. No problem.
Oh, and little Christmas balls. I thought I might need filler in some of the vases.
I can see it now. Black tablecloths and mini light centerpieces. The whole room in a twinkle light glow with rose gold everything (except maybe the silver metallic party fringe curtain if it looks better). Everyone dressed up in their New Year's Eve party best, calling good riddance to 2022 and ready to welcome in the New Year full of promise and joy. Ah, such happy times.... 2023, here we come.)
Speaking of Cinderella's ball, I don't have anything to wear. My "Let's Give Back To The Community" mission is currently showing a slight lack of common sense in budgeting that may require a telethon by December 31st.
(I am sure there is a very good lesson in all of this somewhere.)
I don't get it though. I have created budgets professionally for years. Yet, somehow, I find myself trying to absorb all costs doing a pro-bono, non-profit, nice-to-give-back-to-my-Community event.
(I can hear my Father now. "What about decorations Sarah? What about your outfit Sarah? What about napkins and table settings and, and..." Ugh. Point taken.)
You see, the thing is, it's PRO BONO. So, I think subconsciously I want to look after everyone, and I don't want to include any costs. Yes, ridiculous, I know.
Now I'm playing catch up, doing the equivalent of selling items on Facebook marketplace so I can buy more. I am creatively adding in a 50/50 draw to make up for what I've already spent.
(I can see my Dad wince as he's reading this. Yes Dad .... I know.... next time I'll plan more effectively.)
I might as well hand around a church collection tray (Too much?) Tip jar? "Donations welcome?"
Forgive me, dear Lord. We are on desperate measures here.
(** please note: In all future copies of this post, the above two lines will be removed for the sheer terror that someone may think they need to get me a collection tray and this is truly supposed to be comic relief only. I swear I haven't spent that much.)
Anyways, this is all just a good story. It's going to work out fine, I just know it. Just a teeny, tiny lesson in Operations Management in case I was a bit rusty.
Which clearly, I was.
Which is also funny because someone asked me in the elevator last week if I was the "Social Coordinator" for the building. To which I giggled. Somehow, I have gone from knowing no one here to strangers asking me if I am Sarah, the Social Coordinator. And here is a horrible confession - I actually quite like to be alone.
A real writer's paradise, (if I ever was going to be one,) is solitude. I'm sure of it.
15 days.
I have 15 days to get the rest of this event together.
I need the numbers to come up. I need my menu finalized. I need new posters. I need the music sorted. I need the lighting tested. I need an outfit. And I need to choose which party fringe curtain I'm going to use. (You're dying to know, aren't you?)
Me too.
The photo.
Right, the photo I attached here.
The ornament is my niece and nephew when they were smaller (the youngest one wasn't born yet, and I'm guessing will not be impressed she's missing from this picture.) Starbucks Christmas ornaments. I have collected them for years. I have about 20, but it's been a few years since I have bought any to add to my collection.
And the glass slipper.
That's my rear-view mirror. That's what I look at all day while I'm on camera facilitating classes right now and that's what the learners see as they enter the virtual room.
It reminds me that I have a party to plan.
But perhaps it also reminds me a little bit of hope. The sheer symbol of the legend of the glass slipper. Hope that I can stay awake until midnight, hope that I deliver to this lovely community around me, and hope that by giving it my best - that the decision to host this is one of the best ones I made this year. ♥